One day we visited friends of ours that have chickens on their farm. They gave Aubrey two greens eggs from one of their chickens. I think I was more fascinated by them than Aubrey.
My aunt Gwen came to visit from Minnesota and it was so fun to see her! They both really loved meeting Gwen and our dog Lillie wanted to go home with her.

Aubrey was a princess
Craig carved this pumpkin freehand
Going trick or treating with our friends. Aubrey had so much fun and it didn't take any time at all for her to learn to say "trick or treat", get candy and run to the next house.
Our little horse. Basically, I wasn't going to dress her up but then found this costume for so cheap that I went ahead and bought it.
I have lots more pictures and I know I'm really behind but thought I would get at least a few recent pix up for now.
I have lots more pictures and I know I'm really behind but thought I would get at least a few recent pix up for now.
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