Aubrey is now one! Time goes so fast. At her one year appointment, we learned Aubrey weighs 22 lbs 2 oz (70th percentile) and is 31" in height (90th percentile). She is doing great and has such a fun personality. Her favorite things to do are to be chased, play patty cake (she can do it all by herself), try to move the safety gate so she can reach the stairs and play with the toilet bowl water. She really studies people and objects and is always trying to figure out how to open things or figure out how things work. She seems to be destined to be an enginerd (as I like to call them since I am surrounded by them with my husband, family and friends...hehe).
For her first birthday, we were going to have a big water themed party outside but it just so happen to only rain that one day, so we grilled out and had a party inside. It still was a lot of fun and ended up working out great.

Here I am decorating the cake with my excellent assistants Sarah and Isabella

Wait, how did this picture get in here!? I didn't want anyone to know about this! My artistic brother-in-law Jeff finished decorating the cake and did a thousand times better of a job than me.

Playing with Isabella in the tent Nana gave her

Walking with Craig; she is sooo ready to walk by herself any day now

Birthday Girl!

Thanks to my brother-in-laws Jack and Jeff, the face painting was a HUGE hit. As they said, they had lots of repeat customers (kids came back 6 or 7 times).

This was hilarious. A balloon got loose and Craig stood on a stool and used grilling tongs to reach it.

The obstacle course I made was a surprising hit with the boys at the party

My sister Kim playing with Aubrey and Anna

We had a bean bag toss game and ping pong table set up in the garage for the kids to play with since it was raining. Pictured is my nephew Alex and Avery and Hayden (our friend's Rhys and Bonnie's boys).

Sarah and Elaina

My sister's triplets playing in the ball pit with our neighbor David

Craig's dad and our friend Larry on the grill

Aubrey LOVED it when everyone was singing Happy Birthday to her. She smiled and seemed to look around the room at every person singing.

Aubrey did not dive in to the cake; she had to have it fed to her.

Finally eating the cake by herself

Picture of the damage done to the cake
Opening presents with lots of help. Thanks to everyone!

Our good friend Bonnie holding our niece Elaina

Playing with Kate

Aubrey's cousins Elaina, Grace, Kate and Isabella

Aubrey sure does love ice cream

Standing all by herself

And here's the only picture taken of Craig's sister Michelle who took all of these wonderful birthday pictures for us. Thanks Michelle!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday sweet girl! We had a great time at your party! (next time you need a picture of the photographer, I'll submit one :))
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