Almost a month ago now, Craig's parents took us to DisneyWorld and we had an awesome time. I have been to Disneyland in CA tons of times and it has special memories for me. It was so great to experience DisneyWorld for the first time and Aubrey really loved it. Her favorite ride was Pirates of the Caribbean, but she really just liked any ride that had drops (she was disappointed she's not tall enough for Space Mountain). We spent five days there and went to a different park each day. We went to Magic Kingdom again on the fifth day.

On the carousel with Craig and Papa

Getting ready to watch "It's a Bug's Life"

On the Jungle Cruise (and the jokes were the exact same as Disneyland 10 years ago, but I still love it!)

Aubrey couldn't wait to ride the elevator every day in our hotel. She would run to it all by herself and would jump while riding it up/down.

Aubrey got the best seat while walking around the parks, Nana's lap on her scooter.

One night we ate at a cool restaurant where one entire wall is an aquarium and there is not a bad seat in the place. Scuba divers would go in and wave at you and do funny things.

I wasn't going to post any pictures without people in them, but this was too cool. This hippo was in an aquarium at Animal Kingdom and was just massive. I had never been so close to one before.

Running in/out of tunnel and getting very wet!

In front of tree at Animal Kingdom

On Wednesday, Craig's sister Sarah and her two girls Isabella and Elaina joined us at Hollywood Studios. We had lots of fun with them and Aubrey and Isabella loved the "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" show.

During one of the parades, Mr. Potato Head came right up to them. Of course, Aubrey shook her head "no" at him.

Stepping on the blocks to make different instrument sounds

Group picture in front of Finding Nemo ride (another ride Aubrey really liked)

I just really liked these and have high hopes of Craig doing this in our yard too!

Riding the teacup ride. This little girl joined them b/c she had no one to ride it with.

What a great trip!
1 comment:
I can't believe how old Aubrey looks! Glad you had such a good time at Disney World...we'll have to go with you sometime! Can't wait for's going to be fun and loud!
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