Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Celebrating Christmas with Grammy and Pop

We celebrated Christmas with my parents after Christmas since my sister and her family of six got the stomach flu, which my parents then got (which we all also got a few days after these pictures were taken). But we did have lots of fun and Aubrey looked so pretty in her fancy dress.

Just chillin' with Grammy

Grammy's going to get you!

Pop reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas"

Aubrey liked Pop's goatee

Sitting with all of Pop's Disney figures

This little blue tupperware lid is Aubrey's favorite toy at Grammy and Pop's house.

1 comment:

Mike and Susanne said...

Aubrey has the most hilarious laugh! I love it!! She had me laughing at the blue tupperware lid too, even though I didn't know why it was funny either!!! Love you guys!